The Portuguese Waterdog originates from Portugal (surprise surprise!), where they worked with fishermen to herd fish into the nets, retrieve gear from the water and carry messages from boat to boat or boat to and from shore.
When the fishing industry in Portugal decreased, the number of Portuguese Waterdogs also decreased in numbers. Thanks to a wealthy Portuguese shipping magnate and a dog fancier, the breed was saved. They wrote up a breed standard and the breed was recognized by the Portuguese kennel club. Portuguese Waterdogs made their first appearance in the USA in the early 1970's.
The Portuguese Waterdog is known as the "Cao de Agua," in Portugal, meaning, "dog of water."
The stamina of a Portuguese Waterdog is limitless and astounding.
Amazingly, these dogs are able to open doorknobs, climb fences, and have been known to climb ropes and ladders. They can jump great heights and are hilarious to watch.
Even though they fit in the large dog category, they still think they are lap dogs and love to be glued to your leg.
If you are looking for a loyal companion, this is the dog for you. Their high energy, intelligence, and loyalty make them a perfect best friend.
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